Ross McElroy | President | president@nmba.ca | 403-803-2626 |
Casey Greggain | 1st Vice President | firstvp@nmba.ca | 250-720-6570 |
Brandon Dornan | 2nd Vice President | secondvp@nmba.ca | 778-999-4640 |
Liza Taylor | Administrator | admin@nmba.ca | 250-616-4320 |
Mike Pellatt | Treasurer | treasurer@nmba.ca | 250-246-5105 |
vacant | Secretary | secretary@nmba.ca | |
Erik Hope | Umpire-In-Charge | umpire-in-charge@nmba.ca | 403-992-9680 |
Joel Lypkie | Competitive Coordinator | competitive@nmba.ca | 250-616-4068 |
Shane Brownlee | Fields Manager | fields@nmba.ca | 250-619-8994 |
Sheldon Daynes | Equipment Manager | equipment@nmba.ca | 250-986-4265 |
Ken McPhee | Concessions Coordinator | concessions@nmba.ca | |
Kim Lees | Uniform Manager | uniforms@nmba.ca | 250-802-2851 |
Umpire Allocator | umpireallocator@nmba.ca | 250-616-4320 | |
Jordan Rogers | Director of Coach and Player Development | jordan.rogers@nmba.ca | 250-616-6049 |
Norm Varnel | Rally Cap Coordinator | rallycap@nmba.ca | 250-714-2105 |
Dustin Albion | 9U Division Coordinator | 9U@nmba.ca | 778-840-7645 |
Steve Daly | 11U Division Coordinator | 11U@nmba.ca | 250-619-8426 |
Ryan Eathorne | 13U Division Coordinator | 13U@nmba.ca | 250-616-6611 |
Jamie Kungel | Senior Division Coordinator | senior@nmba.ca | 250-668-0349 |