Monday, February 10 • 5:00 pm - 8:30 pm @ Arbutus Meadows
Final Session Times TBA
Wednesday, February 12 • 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm @ Caged Athletics
Final Groups & Session Times TBA
Players are required to attend both tryout days.
For more information please contact Joel Lypkie, .
2025 NMBA 15UAA Pirates Team Information
15UAA is a Competitive Single Season Team and will play from mid-March (pre-season practices until schedule is set) to mid-August (until provincials are complete).
The Team will travel to play against associations from Vancouver Island and the Mainland, in addition to hosting games at home. The Team will also play in one or more additional tournaments, which may be on the Island, Mainland, Washington or the BC Interior.
The 15UAA game schedule will be released in March, and the practice schedule will be developed by the Head Coach, Duncan Reed. Practices will be 2 – 3 times per week with games on most weekends. Weekend doubleheaders are common.
All players (except out of catchment players) must register for NMBA Spring Ball prior to tryouts. The 2025 Spring Ball registration fee ($355) will be put towards team fees.
2024 15UAA Team Fees: The 15UAA team utilizes a paid coaching staff. Team fees are required to cover coaching salaries and travel expenses, and other costs associated with the season. Team fees are estimated to be $2500 per player, but actual fees will depend on travel schedule and associated expenses. Fees will be collected in installments several times throughout the season. Families are expected to participate in team fundraising to help reduce player fees. The team must select a parent to act as Team Manager, and a Team Treasurer is recommended.
The team may roster between 12 and 15 players, with final numbers dependent on evaluation results and coach selection. There are no fair-play rules for 15UAA baseball. Playing time will be decided by coaches based on player performance, team development needs, and player adherence to a code of conduct.
Players will be notified if they have been selected or not after completion of the tryouts.
Caged Athletics will be running the tryouts and evaluating the players. Caged Athletics will submit results to NMBA for the Team selection process. Caged Athletics will not be involved in the Team Selection process.

Tuesday, February 11 • 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm @ Caged Athletics
Final Groups & Session Times TBA
Thursday, February 13 • 5:00 pm - 8:30 pm @ Arbutus Meadows
Final Session Times TBA
Players are required to attend both tryout days.
For more information please contact Joel Lypkie,
2025 NMBA 13UAAA Pirates Team Information
13UAAA is a Competitive Single Season Team and will play from mid-March (pre-season practices until schedule is set) to mid-August (until provincials are complete).
The Team will travel to play against associations from Vancouver Island and the Mainland, in addition to hosting games at home. The Team will also play in one or more additional tournaments, which may be on the Island, Mainland, or the BC Interior.
The 13UAAA game schedule will be released in March, and the practice schedule will be developed by the Head Coach. Practices will be 2 – 3 times per week with games on most weekends.
All players (except out of catchment players) must register for NMBA Spring Ball prior to tryouts.
2025 13UAAA Team Fees: Team fees are estimated to be $350 per player, in addition to the 13U NMBA Spring registration fee of $325. Fees are dependent on game schedule and tournaments played.
The team will roster 12 players. 13UAAA has fair play rules; please see BCMBA Rulebook sections 23.03, 25.03, and 25.05 for more information.
Players will be notified if they have been selected or not after completion of the tryouts. Players who are selected must register for NMBA 13U Spring Ball by March 1, 2024.
Caged Athletics will be running the tryouts and evaluating the players. Caged Athletics will submit results to NMBA for the Team selection process. Caged Athletics will not be involved in the Team Selection process.
2025 NMBA 13UAA Pirates Team Information
NMBA will select a 13UAA Spring Team to play a competitive game schedule against other Vancouver Island associations.
The Spring season will run from mid-March to end of June. Players selected for the Spring team are likely to continue onto the 13UAA Summer team, which runs from July to August, concluding with provincials.
The team will also play in one or more tournaments, which may be on the Island, Mainland, or the BC Interior.
The 13UAA Spring game schedule will be released in March, and the practice schedule will be developed by the Head Coach. Practices will be 2 – 3 times per week with games on most weekends.
All players (except out of catchment players) must register for NMBA Spring Ball prior to tryouts.
2025 13UAA Spring Team Fees: Team fees are estimated to be $125 per player, in addition to the 13U NMBA Spring registration fee of $325. Fees are dependent on game schedule and tournaments played. Players continuing onto the 13UAA Summer team will pay additional fees in June.
The team will roster 12 players. 13UAA has fair play rules; please see BCMBA Rulebook section 25.03 for more information.
Players will be notified if they have been selected or not after completion of the tryouts.
NMBA intends to select a 13UAA team regardless of the intentions of other Island Associations. Associations who do not roster a Spring 13UAA team generally have Prospects teams, which make suitable opponents for the NMBA 13UAA team.
Caged Athletics will be running the tryouts and evaluating the players. Caged Athletics will submit results to NMBA for the Team selection process. Caged Athletics will not be involved in the Team Selection process.